for individuals with Executive Functioning challenges
How can the Davis Concepts for Life℠ Program help you function more effectively in the world?
The Davis Concepts for Life program was created for anyone who wants to achieve meaningful change in their life.
A highly trained, caring Davis Autism Facilitator will work individually with you to guide you through the program at your pace and adapt the program to suit your personal goals.
People who have completed the program have experienced many benefits, including:
Increased self-awareness and a stronger sense of ‘Self’
Better ability to focus
Improved stress management
Less anxiety, including lower social anxiety
Increased ability create order and reduce disorder in their life
Breaking long-held negative patterns
Better equipped in relationships
The main elements in the three-step Davis Concepts for Life program are:
Step 1 – Executive functioning strategies
You are coached through a series of simple, effective strategies to manage stress, control energy levels and maintain (or regain) focus.
Step 2 – Concepts for Self
Clay mastery of a series of life concepts, complemented with learning experiences that are fundamental to creating meaningful change for each individual. These concepts include: cause and effect, consequence, time, sequence, order/disorder, perception, emotion, motivation, and responsibility.
Step 3 – Concepts that support good choices and relationships
Understanding different types of relationships, and making decisions that take into account their own needs and those of others.
“I can’t believe how life-changing these concepts are. I use them all of the time in my life now - it is just so easy to take responsibility for things that had always seemed impossible before.” – Davis Concepts for Life Client, California, USA