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How can you support you students/clients using the Davis Concepts for Life℠ program?


As a professional – whether you are a teacher, therapist or psychologist – the Davis Concepts for Life Program is an invaluable tool to incorporate into your professional skillset and toolkit.


People who have completed this program have experienced many benefits, including:

  • Increased self-awareness and a stronger sense of ‘Self’

  • Better ability to focus

  • Improved stress management

  • Less anxiety, including lower social anxiety

  • Increased ability create order and reduce disorder in their life

  • Breaking long-held negative patterns

  • Better equipped in relationships


How can you access the training in the Davis Concepts for Life?


As a professional, you can choose from two training pathways in the Davis Concepts for Life Program:


Training Pathway One – Davis Concepts for Life ‘101’: Attend a Davis Concepts for Life Workshop

Highly skilled, experienced Davis Concepts for Life Workshop Presenters run these comprehensive 5-day workshops worldwide.  In these workshops, you will gain essential knowledge and tools to be able to take a student or client through the Davis Concepts for Life program in a non-licensed capacity.

Training Pathway Two - Davis Autism/Concepts for Life Full Training:

Our comprehensive training program is the pathway for anyone wishing to become a licensed Davis Autism/Concepts for Life Facilitator. Once fully licensed, you can offer these programs as an integral part of your professional services,

The Davis Life Concepts workshop has helped me develop a sound understanding of how to assist another person to master the concepts.  It has opened up another avenue for me to utilise my clinical skills.
Clinical Psychologist, Australia

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Davis®, Davis Autism Approach®, Davis® Stepping Stones, and Davis Concepts for Life® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis & Alice E. Davis, Trustees of the Ronald D. Davis and Alice E. Davis Living Trust, dated June 8, 2017. Professional services described as Davis Autism Approach® or Davis Concepts for Life® may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed by the Ron Davis Autism Foundation.

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