Our Licensed Facilitators are a world-wide community of talented, caring professionals who are here to offer expert help and support. They are licensed to provide Davis Autism Approach programs and Davis Concepts for Life programs to individuals of all ages, starting from the age of four and, in some cases, even younger.
Our Facilitators have a range of professional backgrounds and expertise in autism. They undergo rigorous training and are expected to meet our code of ethics, standards of practice and professional development in order to maintain their status as a licensed Davis Facilitator.
Please make contact with one of our Facilitators. They are happy to provide information about the programs and help you make an informed decision about whether the Davis Autism Approach or Concepts for Life programs may be suited to your needs.
Christiane Rosendahl
Davis Autism Approach/Concepts for Life Facilitator
Baroper Straße 238, 44227, Dortmund, Germany
German, English
+49(O)231 794000
Sonja Heinrich
Davis Autism Approach/Concepts for Life Facilitator; Workshop Presenter
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str 1; 21423 Winsen (Luhe) bei Hamburg
German, English
040 25 17 86 23