calendrier des ateliers
Cliquez sur les ateliers ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.
Ateliers de l'approche Davis de l'autisme
Le programme des ateliers ci-dessous n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Veuillez contacter admin@rdautismfoundation.org pour obtenir des informations sur les prochains ateliers destinés aux francophones.
Davis Autism Approach Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will have all of the tools and materials you need to take an individual through the Davis Life Concepts for Autism Program. You will be able to confidently guide them on a journey to increase their sense of self, improve self-regulation, reduce meltdowns, and develop a greater capacity to participate more fully in the world around them – all without losing their beautiful uniqueness and identity.
Presenter: Angie Gonzales (meet Angie online)
Location: Online
Schedule: March 17-21, 2025
08:00am - 04:00pm Pacific Time
Language: English

Davis Autism Approach Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will have all of the tools and materials you need to take an individual through the Davis Life Concepts for Autism Program. You will be able to confidently guide them on a journey to increase their sense of self, improve self-regulation, reduce meltdowns, and develop a greater capacity to participate more fully in the world around them – all without losing their beautiful uniqueness and identity.
Presenter: Melanie Curry (meet Melanie online)
Location: Online
Schedule: March 17-18, 24-25 & 31, 2025
08:00am - 04:00pm AEDT Australia
10:00am - 06:00pm NZDT New Zealand
Language: English

Davis Autism Approach Workshop
By the end of this workshop, you will have all of the tools and materials you need to take an individual through the Davis Life Concepts for Autism Program. You will be able to confidently guide them on a journey to increase their sense of self, improve self-regulation, reduce meltdowns, and develop a greater capacity to participate more fully in the world around them – all without losing their beautiful uniqueness and identity.
Presenter: Richard Whitehead (meet Richard online)
Location: Online
Schedule: March 17-21, 2025
9:00-6:00pm UK
Language: English

Davis Stepping Stones Workshop
You can help a young child unlock their knowledge and capabilities with our specialized Davis Stepping Stones Workshop. This course has been tailored specifically for family members, educators and therapists wanting to assist a child (or children) under the age of eight. You will be able to guide them to increase their self-awareness, improve self-regulation, deal more positively with change, cope with meltdowns, and better understand the world around them – all without losing their beautiful uniqueness.
Presenter: Angie Gonzales (meet Angie online)
Location: Online
Schedule: April 10-11 & 24-25, 2025
01:00pm - 05:00pm Pacific Time
Language: English

Davis Stepping Stones 2 Workshop
You can help a young child unlock their knowledge and capabilities with our specialized Davis Stepping Stones 2 Workshop. This course has been tailored specifically for family members, educators and therapists who have completed the Davis Stepping Stones Workshop and wish to build on the knowledge and skills obtained in Davis Stepping Stones by learning how to implement the Stepping Stones advanced concepts.
Schedule: Please check back soon

Ateliers Concepts Davis pour la Vie
Le programme des ateliers ci-dessous n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Veuillez contacter admin@rdautismfoundation.org pour obtenir des informations sur les prochains ateliers destinés aux francophones.
Davis Concepts for Life Workshop
You can help unlock the knowledge and capabilities of a neurodivergent individual you are supporting, or indeed yourself, with our in-depth five-day Davis Concepts for Life Workshop. This course has been specifically designed for family members, educators and therapists, as well as individuals interested in self-development. By the end of the workshop, you will have all of the tools and materials you need to take an individual (or yourself) through the Davis Concepts for Life Program – facilitating the journey to overcome challenges associated with executive functioning, build a greater sense of self, improve self-regulation, manage stress, increase focus, improve organization, enhance relationships, and take more responsibility for personal growth.
Schedule: New dates coming soon

Davis Concept for Life - Early Years Workshops
You can help a young child unlock their knowledge and capabilities with our specialized Davis Concepts for Life-Early Years Workshop. This course has been tailored specifically family member, educator or therapist working with a child (or children) under the age of eight who struggles with focus, behavior, relationships, self-regulation, executive functioning, or meeting developmental milestones. By the end of the workshop, you will have all you need to support a child effectively – guiding them to increase their self-awareness, improve self-regulation, manage their behavior in a more positive way, and better understand how their actions can impact on others – all without losing their beautiful uniqueness and identity.
Schedule: New dates coming soon

Ateliers de formation des animateurs
Le programme des ateliers ci-dessous n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Veuillez contacter admin@rdautismfoundation.org pour obtenir des informations sur les prochains ateliers destinés aux francophones.
Nurturing the Seed of Genius - Facilitator Training Session
This workshop is for trainees currently enrolled in our Facilitator training program, in Training Stream 3 (Davis Dyslexia Post-Grad Training Stream).
This specialized session covers the core principles, theory, reasoning and logic behind the Davis Autism Approach. It introduces effective techniques for facilitators to be able to establish and maintain rapport with autistic individuals. It also gives trainees experience of the facilitator specific exercises, including how to facilitate the Responsibility Exercises and Establishing New Behaviors procedure.
Presenter: New dates coming soon

Atelier de formation de facilitateurs de l’Autisme Davis et des Concepts Davis pour la Vie 3
Cet atelier s'adresse aux stagiaires actuellement inscrits à notre programme de formation des facilitateurs.
Cet atelier aborde les théories avancées qui sous-tendent le programme de l'Approche Davis de l'Autisme. En vous appuyant sur vos connaissances en matière de motivation et de responsabilité, vous explorerez comment mettre en œuvre les exercices avancés de l'Approche Davis de l'autisme. Vous serez également initié aux nouvelles techniques que Ron a spécialement créées pour établir des relations, nous permettant de travailler plus efficacement avec les personnes du spectre autistique. Il y aura une pratique supervisée de la facilitation, des tutoriels, des questions-réponses et des discussions de groupe sur divers aspects du programme.
Programmé selon les besoins dans le cadre de notre programme de formation.